Product Description
CK SLWHAT-25M (3/8") or SLWHAT-35M (1/2") Gas Flow Thru Tig Torch Cable Connectorfor Water Cooled Tig Torches Many new inverter TIG power supplies use DINSE styleconnectors replacing the old lug system.
Use with gas flow thru systems and the following Tig torches:
All 18, 20 style & CK180, CK200, CKT200, CK230, CK300, CK510,
TL300 & Water-Cooled Flex-Locs or Micro torches.
Select the CK-Worldwide Safe-Loc Water Cooled Dinse
connector to fit your torch / machine:SLWHAT-25M (3/8" 9.5mm) Small DinseSLWHAT-35M (1/2" 12.8mm) Large Dinse.CK Safe-Loc SLWHAT-25M or SLWHAT35M Tig Torch Cable Connector